I find the CCHUB easy to contact

The CCHUB clinicians are easy to communicate with

I find it easy to hand a patient over to the CCHUB

The CCHUB is easy for my patients to access

I am confident that my patient will be well managed by the CCHUB clinician

The CCHUB is a useful resource to help manage my patients

I am content with the communication I receive from the CCHUB about patients

The CCHUB should continue whilst demand remains

The CCHUB service should end unless/until there is another wave of cases

The CCHUB should provide more Covid-19 services

There are non-Covid-19 services that the CCHUB should be supporting us with now

There are non-Covid-19 services that something centralised like the CCHUB could support us with long-term

I haven’t used the CCHUB at all/more than once because (select all that apply):


CCHUB stands for Coronovirus Co-ordination Hub

The survey took place between 1st – 26th April 2021.

Responses were accepted from GP practice clinicians in Doncaster.

There were 38 unique respondents.