
June 2024 Update

The June 2024 Doncaster LMC update

LMC physical office closure

The Doncaster LMC office is now closed and all correspondence should be sent via email to

We have a new telephone number 07876 502807 .

Open LMC Meeting invite - 1st July

As you are aware, the NHS is going through a turbulent time. As the front door to the NHS, General Practice feels this most acutely.  We in primary care deliver 90% of NHS patient contacts whilst utilising just over 7% of the NHS budget.  In November 2023, General Practice provided a record-breaking 31.4 million appointments, making it the busiest November since records began.  We did all of this with 28,317 full-time equivalent GPs, meaning that each GP is responsible for more patients now than ever before.  


We believe that you are a beacon of excellence and your achievements on behalf of the nation should be celebrated.  However, we cannot expect you to continue in this way.


To address this, the BMA has begun its work on national industrial action raising several demands of Government Ministers.


Locally, we have fostered positive relationships with commissioners and partner organisations and believe that joint working can provide solutions.  We would like to continue to enjoy the benefits of respectful dialogue.  To this end, we would like to invite you to meet with Mr Anthony Fitzgerald and Dr David Crichton at 7 – 9 pm on Monday 1st of July at the Doncaster Golf Club, Bawtry Road, Doncaster.


·         Mr Anthony Fitzgerald is the Executive Place Director for Doncaster ICB.

·         Dr David Crichton is the Chief Medical Officer for the SYICB. 


The meeting will be an open forum to discuss the current challenges in Doncaster and to consider our next steps in creating tangible solutions.


RSVP is necessary for this event.

Light refreshments will be available.  If you have any special dietary needs, please  inform us when you book your place 

Survey of GPs about partnership

The South Yorkshire Workforce and Training Hub in collaboration with local LMCs are keen to find out how many GPs are thinking about GP partnership. We want to understand what the concerns and barriers are and if we might be able to help with overcoming these. We want any qualified GPs who are not already GP partners and ST3 trainees in South Yorkshire to complete this questionnaire so we can work out how best to help.

Marie Curie and Alzheimer's Society partnership research call - Improving end of life experience for people with dementia 

Discovery Webinar: Marie Curie and Alzheimer’s Society partnership research call – Improving end of life experience for people with dementiathat took place on 11 June 2024.

Here is a recording of the webinar


Apply now

If you have any questions, please email

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Preparations for flu and Covid-19 seasonal campaign

NHS England has published a letter which sets out the arrangements for the Covid-19 and flu campaigns for this coming autumn.

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South Yorkshire Primary Care Race Equality Network

NHS South Yorkshire ICB is working with local clinicians and partner organisations to establish a South Yorkshire Race Equality Network for Primary Care staff.  The Network is open to all staff working across Primary Care including General Practice, Optometry, Pharmacy and Dentistry, and welcomes attendance from allies wanting to improve their understanding of the issues and challenges.  The group will meet on a quarterly basis (usually on a weekday evening over MS Teams, with occasional in-person dates) offering an interesting programme of guest speakers.

The NHS People Plan recognises the vital importance of staff networks in creating a culture of belonging and helping to drive meaningful change to address racial discrimination and unacceptable behaviour, which is unfortunately still a reality for people delivering front line services.

“Sadly, racism remains a feature of our society and public institutions including the NHS reflect this too. In NHS South Yorkshire we are committed to prioritising active anti-racism both in terms of how we deliver our services but also as an employer. Better understanding the experience of people from minoritized communities, being a stronger ally and ensuring our own leadership is more inclusive are our priorities. The South Yorkshire Primary Care Race Equality Network can help us do this.  The Network will support front line professionals, promote a culture of wellbeing, and provide a voice to help shape how we work in the future. I encourage all staff to share this opportunity and get involved.”

Gavin Boyne, Chief Executive Officer, NHS South Yorkshire ICB

There are similar staff networks in NHS provider organisations, but to date this has been a gap for staff working in Primary Care.  This Network will provide staff with a safe space to discuss issues, share experiences and explore solutions.  We hope this will provide insights and resources to help people to safely challenge discrimination and abuse, promoting wellbeing and safety.

We know that staff and patients benefit from a diverse workforce that reflects our local communities.  The ICB Joint Forward Plan aims to reduce workforce inequalities, support inclusivity and improve staff experience, and this Network will provide a voice to inform senior decision makers to improve experience and retention. 

If you have any questions or comments, please contact


A research team at the University of Exeter are investigating care and prescribing for people with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in general practice.

If you are a GP working in a general practice in England, please spare 10 minutes to complete a short online survey.

If you would like to participate in the survey, please click this link: Qualtrics Survey | Prescribing memantine in general practice

They are also keen to conduct research interviews (online/phone) – you will be given an opportunity to register your interest in being interviewed at the end of the survey.

If you have any questions about this research, please contact: Dr Mary Carter, Research Fellow,

Cloud based telephony

Following changes that have mandated adoption of Cloud Based Telephony on NHSE’s approved procurement framework GPC England has received extensive complaints from GPs being charged excessive costs for adopting new systems.

 While the BMA remain in discussion with NHSE to seek a resolution, we have been advised that GPs can raise concerns directly with NHSE about additional costs they are experiencing using the following email

LMC Buying Group

Doncaster LMC is been a member of the LMC Buying Groups Federation. This means that practices can access the discounts the Buying Group has negotiated on a wide range of products and services.  If you’re not sure what the Buying Group is all about then this short video explains what they do:   


By registering with the Buying Group:, you can view all the suppliers’ pricing, contact details and request quotes. The Buying Group also offers any member practice a free cost analysis which demonstrates how much money your practice could save just by swapping to buying group suppliers.  Tel: 0115 979 6910  Email:   Website:

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