Doncaster Directory
Health and social care services information page


With You
Free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health

A web-based system which helps community pharmacies provide services more effectively and makes it easier for commissioners to audit and manage these services.

Migrant Health
A website tool for primary healthcare professionals to support migrant patients

Local authority contracting opportunities for South Yorkshire

The Royal College of General Practitioners
The professional membership body for GPs in the United Kingdom and overseas.

The Sick Doctors Trust
A confidential organisation who provide support to Students and Doctors suffering from drug and alcohol abuse.

The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
A medical charity who provide support for Doctors and their families in timers of financial need.

The Cameron Fund
The only medical benevolent charity who provide support to General Practitioners and their families in times of financial need.

Quality improvement tools produced by the University of Nottingham

NHS Sourcing
NHS procurement opportunities

A great online revision aid helping to bring you up to speed with General Practice. Unfortunately, not free.

NHS Improvement
Support to provider organisations and health care networks to help them improve to meet the needs of patients.

NHS Doncaster CCG
The Clinical Commissioning Group responsible for buying healthcare for the residents of Doncaster.

Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
The independent body set up to uphold information rights in the public interest in the United Kingdom.

Local Medical Committees
Sheffield Local Medical Committee
Barnsley Local Medical Committee
Rotherham Local Medical Committee

General Medical Council
The independent regulator of doctors in the United Kingdom.

GP Law
A website that holds your hand through the legal implications of the different GP contracts.

Doncaster antibiotic guidelines
Local antibiotic prescribing guidelines.

Doncaster Formulary
A link to the NHS Doncaster CCG primary care drug formulary.

Doncaster Traffic Light System
The home of the medicines management team in Doncaster. This part of their website provides a list of drugs and their place in the traffic light system – red, amber or green.

Care Quality Commission
The independent regulator of health and social care in England.

British Medical Association
THE Doctors union.