Reporting a death to the Coroner’s Office via the ‘Online Portal’

From October 30th all GP referrals will be made via the online portal at the following link:

User Guide

  1. Access the portal via the above hyperlink.
  2. Complete all fields relevant relating to the deceased
  3. If the field is RED this is a mandatory field which must be completed – If you are unaware of the data please put ‘?’ in the field.
  4. Press next at the bottom of the page

This will then load the ‘Coroner Referral – Referrer Details’ page – to complete:

  1. Again, complete all fields – Select GP from the ‘referrer’ drop down
  2. Complete the fields with your name, email, telephone number (direct if poss).
  3. Referrer code is GP01

If you have any supporting documents i.e. MCCD, discharge letters, summary of details, this can be uploaded here by:

  1. Select the ‘Upload Files’ at the top of the page.
  2. Either ‘drag & drop’ your supporting documents into the ‘no files chosen’ line, check the direction on the ‘pop up’ and then press ‘Ok’ once added the view will alter slightly and you should be able to see what you have uploaded. Alternatively
  • Hit the ‘choose file’ this will them open your file explorer to allow you to locate the relevant files.
  1. Once you have chosen your file(s) press ‘open/save’ and then select ‘Upload File’ again check the pop up and press ‘Ok’.

Once you are content you have uploaded all relevant documents & mandatory fields are complete press next at the bottom of the screen.

This will then take you to the ‘Coroner Referral – Details of Death’ page:

  1. Complete all fields where appropriate
  2. Place of Death – from the drop down select where death occurred.
  3. If ‘home’ this will be the deceased current home address.
  4. If Hospital, then select ‘standard’ and choose the relevant location from the prescribed list. Likewise, if ‘Care Home’
  5. If, the place of death is anything different or the details are not on the prescribed list you can select ‘Other’ and manually input.
  6. Input the Cause of Death if known.
  7. For 1a etc you can either use the drop down and select from there or alternatively if there are two or more causes at 1a, 1b, 1c or 2 then you can use the ‘free type’ line below each ‘drop down’ and manually input.  
  8. If COD is not known or you are unable to issue a COD please leave blank.
  9. Registrar – is a mandatory field. This is always the registrar office where the person has died i.e. Mexborough – Doncaster RO, Bramley – Rotherham RO etc.
  10. Next of Kin If you know details of the NOK, press Yes, if not select No.
  11. Same for Point of Contact, select either yes or no.
  12. Out of Country Case – if you know the deceased is to be repatriated out of England/Wales select yes. If not select No.  Press Next

This will then be ‘Coroners Referral – Additional Referrer Details’

  • If you believe the death to be anything relating to the next few fields, please complete where appropriate.
  • GP Surgery – If you start to type the name of your surgery the system should auto populate or give you options to choose your surgery from.
  • If not; tick the square next to ‘GP Surgery not in list’ and complete the fields.
  • If you can complete any of the further fields on this page, then please do so. If not. Press Next.

‘Coroners Referral – Medical Referral Details’

  1. Complete the medication field – this is only current medications.
  2. Complete the last seen alive by field
  3. Consultant in charge details – complete if appropriate. Press Next

‘Coroners Referral – Spouse of Parent Details’ – this is NOK information

  1. Complete fields where appropriate.
  2. Parents to Entre – only relevant if paediatric death (under 16 years) otherwise select None.
  3. Press Next
  4. Complete NOK details. If different from above (spouse etc) record details including telephone numbers and relationship to deceased if known.

The next and final screen gives you the opportunity to check all details entered and ‘edit’ those details if necessary.  If you are content with the information provided, please press ‘Submit’. 

‘Death Referral – form sent’

This should read ‘your request has been submitted successfully’.  You will then receive an email, to clarify the referral has been received. 

MCCD & Supporting Documents

Please ensure these are uploaded to the software during initial referral.  If this is not possible or practicable, please email to the following at the earliest opportunity to ensure there are no significant or further unnecessary delays.

Receipt by the Coroner’s Office

Once your referral has been received by this office you will either:

  1. Receive an email confirming receipt and that your referral has been accepted or
  2. You will receive an email from us requesting further information. Failure to provide the required information may result in delays.

The case will then be assigned to an officer for processing in the usual way.  

For Information/Assistance:

  1. All ‘Purple’ buttons within the software are action buttons. Meaning you can press ‘previous’ and that will take you back through the pages to allow you to check details or
  2. You can select the ‘Purple’ buttons Death Notification Regulation or MOJ Referral Guidance. These will take you to the relevant web pages to assist you in completing the referral (if ness/required). 

MAG form to be discontinued

Dr Yasmin Khan, Responsible Officer, NHS England North – Yorkshire and the Humber has disseminated the following information advising that the MAG form is planned to be discontinued.

The functionality and reliability of the MAG form is diminishing as information technology evolves. There is no IT support available when problems arise with the MAG form and it is now incompatible with many newer computer operating systems, with increasing reports from appraisers of it malfunctioning after transfer from the doctor. Furthermore, the approach of sharing the MAG form by email between doctor, appraiser and organisation is increasingly undesirable in terms of good personal data handling.

In summary, the national advice notes the following.

  • Doctors and designated bodies still using the MAG form are advised that now is the time to move to another vehicle. There are numerous benefits to this, not least that online providers have adapted their models to reflect the improved focus on professional development, wellbeing and reduced burden of the 2022 format. Other benefits include increased functionality and security compared with the MAG form.
  • There are now several alternative resources offering cost-effective options and added functionality compared with the MAG form. More than one of these offers to import data from an existing MAG form.
  • Online providers have adapted their models to reflect the improved focus on professional development, wellbeing and reduced burden of the 2022 format. Other benefits include increased functionality and security compared with the MAG form.

Based on the national advice, Responsible Officers across the 7 NHS England regions are sharing advice to all prescribed connections to move to an on-line appraisal tool-kit provider by the start of the next appraisal year.  Within the North East and Yorkshire region, the MAG form will continue to be accepted up to (and including) the 31 March 2024, however from the start of the 2024/25 appraisal year (1 April 2024) an alternative toolkit is required to support appraisal.

If you have any specific queries, please do not hesitate to contact

irefer roll out

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South Yorkshire Primary Care Together Helping you Survive and Thrive

South Yorkshire Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub have announced a new project ‘Primary Care Together – helping you survive and thrive’.

The programme is designed to help support Primary Care clinicians and improve retention. It is open to clinicians working within General Practice in South Yorkshire at all stages of their career (except those on early years Preceptorships/VTS/New to Practice Fellowships etc).  There are a variety of initiatives on offer, and some will even pay you to attend! 

 Please see the flyer for more information or visit the website to find out more and sign up. 

 South Yorkshire Primary Care Together Helping you Survive and Thrive – South Yorkshire Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub (

If you have any questions, please contact

Pay Uplift

In our August 2023 update, we informed you of the DDRB recommendation for a 6% pay uplift for salaried GPs, and non-ARRS practice staff

Since then, we have corresponded with a number of practices directly who have sought further advice.

More recently, the BMA GPC has announced the conclusion of their negotiations with NHSE on this matter, resulting in a rise of the capitated global sum from £102.28 to £104.73, backdated to April 2023.

The global sum funds a number of practice functions, not just that of paying for employed staff.

We are disappointed with the outcome of the negotiated agreement and have made this clear to the GPC.

Practices are contractors to the NHS and are not bound to the terms of the DDRB.  As such, it is the choice of each individual practice to decide whether or not to give a 6% pay uplift to staff members.  There may be individual circumstances where this is not deemed appropriate or necessary – for example, where a team member recently received a pay rise for a different reason.

Please note that where a GP is employed using the standard BMA contract, it is expected that the DDRB recommended pay uplift will apply.

Further details can be found on our LMC website by following the link below

New BMA guidance advises GPs to carry out DPIA before enabling patient records access

31 October 2023 is the date by which practices must have provided their patients with the facility to access their prospective GP record online.

The British Medical Association (BMA) has issued guidance for practices, outlining the steps that practices can take to prepare BMA general practitioners committee England . Their guidance includes advice and a template bma-aatr-dpia-template.docx ( for practices needing to undertake their own DPIA by 31 October, as per the changes to the GP contract.

A DPIA can be used by practices to assess the risks potentially posed by the new requirements, and support decisions they may wish to make about how to provide the facility in the safest possible way.

The GPC prepared a step-by-step guide outlining actions that practices may need to take depending on where they are in the process.

Practices who decided to implement ‘consent-based’ record access should also ‘establish a plan for communication with patients’ and the communication with patients should reference the fact that a DPIA has been carried out and the practice has determined that seeking consent is the only way to ensure that access can be safely provided.

Looking After You coaching

What is Looking After You?

Looking After You is a free and confidential coaching service available to everyone working in primary care. To date, over 10,000 individuals have benefited from supportive sessions with experienced and compassionate coaches, helping them to speak about whatever is on their minds.

This programme consists of three core offers: Looking After You Too, Looking After Your Team, and Looking After Your Career.

Plus, NHSE has introduced a Virtual Team Away Day for leaders and their teams, along with peer wellbeing sessions that provide a safe space for like-minded colleagues to connect.

Get in touch. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

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Care Quality Commission (CQC) MythBusters

CQC National Clinical Advisors and Policy Team issue guidance to clear up some common myths about CQC inspections, as well

as sharing guidance on best practice, which practices may wish to be aware of.

The following mythbusters have been updated in recent months:

GP mythbuster 55: Opening hours has been removed, with information included in GP mythbuster 77: Access to GP services

Are you making the most of your LMC Buying Group membership?

When was the last time you reviewed how much your practice is spending on the products and services you regularly buy?

 The cost of living crisis is really starting to bite and even GP practices will be looking for ways to reduce running costs.

This is where your free membership to the LMC Buying Group can really come in handy as it offers practices access to discounts on a wide range of products and services. They can help you save money on the following areas:

  • Medical consumables and equipment
  • Stationery, Office equipment and furniture
  • Workwear
  • Insurance
  • Confidential information shredding
  • Energy
  • Recovery Oxygen
  • Trade Waste Management
  • Telecoms
  • Test and Calibration
  • Online Training
  • DBS Checks Processing

 The Buying Group suppliers won’t just offer you a great price one week and then ramp up the price the next so you can be assured that if you order from their suppliers, you’ll get a great price every time you shop meaning you don’t have to ‘shop around’ to find the best deal every month anymore.

If you’re not sure whether you’re a member and/or have access to the Buying Group website (this is where you can view the pricing/discounts and get quotes) then contact the Buying Group team on 0115 979 6910 or They can also help you with any questions you might have about your membership or the suppliers.

LMC Buying Group

Doncaster LMC is been a member of the LMC Buying Groups Federation. This means that practices can access the discounts the Buying Group has negotiated on a wide range of products and services.  If you’re not sure what the Buying Group is all about then this short video explains what they do:   


By registering with the Buying Group:, you can view all the suppliers’ pricing, contact details and request quotes. The Buying Group also offers any member practice a free cost analysis which demonstrates how much money your practice could save just by swapping to buying group suppliers.  Tel: 0115 979 6910  Email:   Website: