Doncaster Place & Bassetlaw Place Medicines Optimisation Bulletin
Dr Mathew Kurian
Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician at Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS
As we enter the most challenging period of the year for acute respiratory illness, we wish to share with you the simple summary of the guidelines and what research and audit has taught us, both locally, regionally and internationally.
Most children can be managed conservatively at home provided they are feeding, maintaining a reasonable urine output and having saturations in the ranges mentioned. Most patients do not require a CXR ,blood gases or any form of nebulised treatment, and oral antibiotics .
The HIGH RISK GROUPS are the ones we need to concentrate about particularly the population less than three months, those presenting with apneas or comorbidities like Chronic Lung Disease, Cardiac Disease, Muscle Disease and Trisomy 21.
Monitoring Saturation, Heart Rate and severity of recession much more useful than CXR .
As part of Antimicrobial stewardship, resist the temptation to use antibiotics, particularly if apyrexial, ask for senior review .
If we need to improve care we need to work as a collaborative across Primary Care, Paediatric A&E, Secondary Care, to avoid congestion due to inappropriate referral.
Community of Practice: Frailty and Palliative Care
Hospice UK is launching a new Community of Practice (CoP) to help share knowledge and practice around frailty and palliative care.
The CoP will meet once a month, for six months, via MS Teams (the first meeting was on 2nd October).
Over the six months they will be joined by the 11 hospices who have taken part in the Extending Frailty Care programme. They will share what they have learnt implementing their approaches to frailty care.
There will also be opportunities to hear from subject matter experts who will discuss key issues around frailty care and invite other organisations to share their experiences.
Members of the CoP will also be added to a MS Teams discussion group, where they can share ideas and resources between meetings.
Please follow this link to Sign up now
For further information please contact Kim Bottomley, Transformation and Delivery Manager, Ageing Well, Doncaster Place.
Updated Vitamin D Guidance
Covid 24 PGD, E-lfh, Green Book update
Please find links below to the new Covid training module (new vaccine coming), PGD and updated Green Book.
The e-learning for the COVID-19 Autumn 2024 vaccination programme is now live and can be accessed via the link below:
Green Book – Chapter 14a (COVID)
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Centre for Pharmacy ONLINE Core Workshops
Various online workshops are now available free of charge to all registered pharmacy professionals, including pharmacy technicians and trainee pharmacists.
For details and dates of all online workshops being run nationally please go to workshoplisting: workshop listing : CPPE
For further information please contact Debbie Needham
BMA Safe Working Guidance
Last month the BMA published a safe working guidance handbook bma-gp-safe-working-guidance-handbook-england.pdf to help GPs and practices in the delivery of safe, high-quality care for their patients and communities. The profession wants to provide care without risk to patients or ourselves. The handbook embeds and prioritises safe high-quality care for your patients by focusing on the delivery of prioritised core GP services.
Read more on Safe working Safe working in general practice toolkit (
Powered By EmbedPress
Centre for Pharmacy ONLINE Core Workshops
Various online workshops are now available free of charge to all registered pharmacy professionals, including pharmacy technicians and trainee pharmacists.
For details and dates of all online workshops being run nationally please go to workshoplisting: workshop listing : CPPE
For further information please contact Debbie Needham
BMA Safe Working Guidance
Last month the BMA published a safe working guidance handbook bma-gp-safe-working-guidance-handbook-england.pdf to help GPs and practices in the delivery of safe, high-quality care for their patients and communities. The profession wants to provide care without risk to patients or ourselves. The handbook embeds and prioritises safe high-quality care for your patients by focusing on the delivery of prioritised core GP services.
Read more on Safe working Safe working in general practice toolkit (
LMC Buying Group
Doncaster LMC is been a member of the LMC Buying Groups Federation. This means that practices can access the discounts the Buying Group has negotiated on a wide range of products and services. If you’re not sure what the Buying Group is all about then this short video explains what they do:
By registering with the Buying Group:, you can view all the suppliers’ pricing, contact details and request quotes. The Buying Group also offers any member practice a free cost analysis which demonstrates how much money your practice could save just by swapping to buying group suppliers. Tel: 0115 979 6910 Email: Website: