Child health sureveillance became a core part of the GMS contract in April 2020 and is also reflected as such in PMS contracts.
These are often referred to as the 6-8 week baby check.
Child health surveillance requirements are detailed under section 9.6 of a GMS contract.

This section of the contract applies to children under the age of 5

a Provide the services detailed in section 9.6.2, other than any examination so described which the parent refuses to allow the child to undergo, until the date upon which the child attains the age of five years.
b Maintain such records as are specified in 9.6.3

The services referred to in 9.6.1 are
The monitoring
i  by the consideration of any information concerning the child received by or on behalf of the Contractor, and
ii on any occasion where the child is examined or observed by or on behalf of the Contractor
of the health, well being, physical, mental and social development with a view to detecting and deviations from normal development
the examination of the child at a frequency that has been agreed with the Board in accordance with the nationally agreed evidence based programme.

The records referred to in clause 9.6.2 are an accurate record of the development of the child while under the age of 5 years, compiled as soon as is reasonably practical following the first examination of that child, and where appropriate, amended following each subsequent examination; and the responses (if any) to offers made to the child’s parent for the child to undergo any examination referred to in clause 9.6.2 (b)

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