What does CQRS stand for?
Calculating Quality Reporting Service

What is CQRS and why is it important to GP Practice?
It is a tool which enables practices to track, monitor and declare achievement for The Quality Outcomes Framework, Direct Enhanced Services (DES) & Vaccination & immunisation programmes to ensure you receive the right income for the services provided.

CQRS obtains data for Quality Services from general practice clinical systems using the General Practice Extraction Service (GPES).

CQRS only gets data from GPES where a GP practice is participating in a Quality Service, for example a QOF or a DES. GPES will only send aggregate data.

Is CQRS secure?
CQRS can only be accessed via N3. This is to ensure that only NHS staff and organisations can use the system.
There is no patient level data needed for calculating achievement on CQRS.

How do I get started?
Firstly you need to register as a user.

Advanced User Administrators exist within NHS England that can create users and assign or cancel roles in their own organisation and GP practices.  GP practices who do not have a User Administrator set up on CQRS should contact their NHS England who will then send you an email link which you need to activate within 14 days.
Once a user has been set up in CQRS, an automated email is then sent to their NHS email address inviting them to complete their user registration and create a password and set their security questions.

These GP level users can then create users and assign or cancel roles in their own organisation.
•Click on ‘Administrative Tasks’ tab. 
•Click ‘Add New User’ button. 
•Enter an email address (this must be an nhs.net or nhs.uk address) of the user you wish to add and click ‘Continue’. 
•Complete the required fields (First Name, Last Name & Work Phone. Title and Mobile Phone are optional). When complete, click ‘Add Organisation’. 
•Click the tick box for required practice, when selected click submit. 
•Select the required role(s) the user needs by selecting the checkbox(s). Ensure the user is given the least privileges required to complete their required tasks. Once the relevant role(s) have been selected, click ‘Submit’. 

Note: Users must be set up using *.nhs.net or *.nhs.uk email addresses.

Top Tips
  Know which services your practice is providing under each of the headings, QoF, DES, Vacc & Imms Programme
 Ensure that your clinical staff/read coders,data entry clerks are using the correct read codes. (these can be found in the documents relating to the service/services you are providing.
 Know who in your practice is responsible for claiming/processing payments as this may differ from practice to practice.
 It has been known for these codes to be changed from time to time so it is always worth checking periodically for updated codes.

What happens if the wrong codes are used?
The use of incorrect read codes may result in lack of/reduced income to the practice as much of the data for payment is extracted automatically.

Is there training available on how to use CQRS?

Once you are logged into CQRS there is a help button on the right hand side of the screen which covers a number of topics.  In addition you can undertake a short online course to familiarise yourself with the system, together with a number of user guides, timetables for payments, extractions, manual data entry and automatic extraction of data via GPES timetable.

If you need additional assistance with CQRS or the CQRS Training, please contact the CQRS Help Desk.

Training to use CQRS consists of a short online course on the NHS Digital Learning Management System (LMS). You need to register to use the LMS and to access it you need an N3 connection.

There’s a guide to submitting and declaring achievement for payment for each of the Enhanced Services currently available on CQRS.

What data is collected by CQRS?

To see which services are covered by CQRS including a breakdown of which are extracted automatically and which need to be manually inputted, click on the following link


A current list of services can be found by Logging in to CQRS, and clicking on the button on the left hand side of your screen and clicking on the Timetable link.

Changes to Manual Data Entry on CQRS
For some Quality Services there is an element of achievement data that will need to be manually entered e.g. data that cannot be automatically extracted as the data is not recorded in clinical systems or where data previously submitted manually needs to be updated.

When GPES cannot provide data from GP clinical systems for a Quality Service then the data will need to be entered manually by the GPpractice.

Further restrictions on manual data entry were introduced for 2016/17 services, adding additional controls specifically for automated collections.

For full details, please read the manual data entry user guide vailable a https://digital.nhs.uk/services/general-practice-gp-collections/user-support-and-training.

How do I contact CQRS
To contact the CQRS Help Desk by telephone:
Freephone: 0800 440 2777
To contact the CQRS Help Desk by email:
Email: support@cqrs.co.uk
The CQRS Help Desk is available 08:00 – 18:00 Monday – Friday (excluding public holidays).

A number of reports are available within CQRS (under the ‘Reporting’ tab) and offer support in specific areas of CQRS functionality.

CQRS user guides
These guides provide details about how to perform certain tasks on the Calculating Quality Reporting Service (CQRS), including submitting achievement for services.  They are available at CQRS user guides.

Downloads and Links
EMAIL – support@cqrs.co.uk
Training at the NHS Digital Learning Management System
CQRS user guides
GPES user guides