Form ‘Cremation 4’ can be submitted electronically and an electronic signature includes being sent from the secure email account of the person completing the form ‘Cremation 4.’
Examination of the body is not required for completion of form ‘Cremation 4’ if the deceased was seen by a medical practitioner (including audiovisual/video consultation) in the 28 days before death
The deceased must have been seen within 30 days of the death
The doctor signing the form must either:
have seen the patient after death and recorded in the usual way, or
in the narrative, clearly identify who did see the body after death
There is no longer a requirement for ‘cremation form 5’.
The form MUST be signed with either a “wet” signature or an electronic version of a wet signature. In exceptional circumstances, the Ministry of Justice has clarified that we can accept an emailed form from the doctor’s personal email, as long as the following statement is included: “Please find the attached Cremation Form signed by me”.