
January 2024 Update

The January 2024 Doncaster LMC update

RESPECT QI sessions

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Wound Care

Doncaster LMC has re-instated negotiations.  It is expected that these will conclude in time for a new contract starting in April 2024.


The Perinatal Team at RDaSH have signed up to use DadPad.

DadPad is a FREE downloadable app for anyone with a Doncaster postcode.

Once you download the app you can put in a Doncaster postcode and it will come up with subheadings, it is really easy to use. This has all the generic DadPad information and then it has details of local Doncaster information and links stored in there such as contact details for maternity wards, midwives, health visitors, family hubs, mental health services etc It also lists lots of local and national charities that support.


The DadPad app:
• Is an easy-to-use up to date information tool for dads-to-be and dads with new babies, which is available as an app.
• Provides bitesize top tips for new dads to help them adjust to parenthood.
• Includes practical information on things like: breastfeeding; bottle feeding; communicating and bonding with your baby; how babies like to be held; surviving without sleep.
• Is designed to be used as a quick reference tool so dads can dip in and out of it when they need to check something.
• Enables new dads to enjoy their new babies and feel more confident about fatherhood.
• Enables new dads to play an active role in helping improve the health and wellbeing outcomes of women, children and families.
• Is a useful resource before baby arrives and after baby is born.
• Has a facility to provide feedback so that this can be used to improve dads’
experience of parenthood.


Pain Management Service

We have been informed that the Pain Management Service has now reopened for new referrals.

Online access to records data breach from misfiling of records

The GPC is requesting that details of any examples of potential or actual harm that have arisen from the accidental misfiling of data / letters in the wrong patient’s record, or when information should have been withheld from online view in order to prevent harm, but was not, and which has only come to light now more patients have access to their records, are forwarded to

Primary care estates – ask the expert

To support commissioners the PCC premises team have scheduled a series of ask the expert sessions PCC Events for their contract holders to help with the range of issues they may face. 

Primary care estates can be a complex and challenging agenda for those responsible for managing them. To support you with this we have set up a series of ask the expert sessions to support you with the range of issues you are facing on a regular basis. These sessions are for commissioners who have an annual contract with PCC to discuss with the PCC team, and each other, specific issues and concerns.

The discussion forums will be run on MS Teams and be for one hour.

Thursday 29 February 2024, 11.30-12.30
Thursday 23 May 2024, 11.30-12.30 – book here
Thursday 19 September 2024, 11.30-12.30 – book here
Thursday 12 December 2024, 11.30-12.30 – book here

If you have any specific areas that you would like to discuss please email in advance of the session.

For more information on PCC annual contracts for commissioners contact

Sessions are run as an open discussion with the PCC expert adviser team and with other commissioners. Queries can be provided in advance or raised on the day.  To discuss PCC’s range of annual contracts Annual contracts – PCC ( contact

Dermatoscopy Training - 6 Part Series

This promotional meeting is organised and funded by LEO Pharma. LEO Pharma medicines will be discussed at this meeting.

Dr George Moncrieff, Dermatology Lecturer will be presenting via Virtual TEAMS meetings on the following dates:-


Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 7.30pm – Dermatoscopy of BCC

Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 7.30pm – Signs of Malignancy (melanoma) part 1

Tuesday 27th February 2024 at 7.30pm – Signs of Malignancy (melanoma) part 2

Tuesday 5th March 2024 at 7.30pm – Flat pigmented facial lesions

Tuesday 12th March 2024  at 7.30pm – Dermatoscopy and management of keratotic cancers

Tuesday 26th March 2024 at 7.30pm – Dermatoscopy of acral lesions, nails and quiz


If you would like to attend, please reply to Katie Wright, Dermatology Account Manager  so that you can be added to the register.

Community IPC Bulletin for General Practice, December 2023

The latest Bulletin from the Community Infection Prevention and Control Team focuses on: The significant changes to the newly updated Policies for General Practice. Please follow the link to view the Bulletin: IPC Bulletin for GP Practice Staff – Infection Prevention Control

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Sessional GPs E-Newsletter – December

The latest edition of the Sessional GPs e-newsletter can be found on the British Medical Association (BMA) website here. The main articles include:

  • Reduced Locum Opportunities • Know your Rights Week
  • Workload Control Guidance • Dr Diary Update
  • Appraisal Platforms • Type 2 Practitioner Form Publication
  • Contract Checking for Salaried and Locum GPs • Visa restrictions for international doctor’s families survey

The Independent Prescribing in Community Pharmacy ‘Pathfinder’ Programme

NHS England has published information on its Independent Prescribing Pathfinder programme for community pharmacy.  In September 23 South Yorkshire ICB announced that we would be hosting 10 Pathfinder sites.  This will enable us to test the different ways that independent prescribing in community pharmacy will benefit patients.  It is also a great opportunity for us to work together to redesign pathways and increase the use of the clinical skills within community pharmacy, informing the future of community pharmacy commissioning and ensuring that pharmacists will be able to utilise their prescribing qualification whilst working in the community pharmacy sector.

The attached briefing provides an update on the SY Community Pharmacy Independent Prescribing Pathfinder (IP Pathfinder) programme.

The community pharmacies selected as SY IP Pathfinder sites will be in contact with their local GP practice(s) over the next few weeks to discuss the IP Pathfinder in greater detail.

This will be an iterative process and require engagement and involvement from both practices, pharmacies and the ICB to realise the longer term benefits. This is a pathfinder programme, we are not looking to roll out an existing service or to pilot a new service.  Using independent prescribing as an NHS service within community pharmacy is novel.  There will at times be ambiguity, issues and barriers to overcome and we will not instantly have all the answers.  We will need to work together, in partnership to seek answers or solutions.


We hope that practice colleagues recognise that despite all the current challenges within the whole of primary care this is a great opportunity to work together to influence and inform future commissioning that benefits our patients, practices and pharmacies.

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Buying Group Recruitment Support

The LMC Buying Group understand that recruitment is often an expensive and time-consuming business, so they created an eye-catching, easy to use recruitment page where any registered member can post their clinical and non-clinical vacancies at no cost.

They also offer practices the opportunity to feature their vacancies with a featured package which comes at a small fee.

What they offer

As well as posting the job on their website, they also highlight any new job posting at least once across their social media platforms.  This is a free service to any member practice interested in expanding their vacancy reach beyond their region.

They have also introduced a ‘Featured Job’ option for those members that want to draw more attention to their advert. The featured role will appear at the top of the Jobs page in a bright colour and be highlighted on their social media channels each week for a month. This service only costs £50 +VAT.

To place an advert, visit the Jobs page GP Practice Vacancies, UK | LMC Buying Group ( and upload your vacancy using the application form template. If you choose the Featured Advert option, they will send you an invoice once the advert has been posted online.

Are you making the most of your Buying Group membership?

When was the last time you reviewed how much your practice is spending on the products and services you regularly buy?

The cost of living crisis is really starting to bite and even GP practices will be looking for ways to reduce running costs.

This is where your free membership to the LMC Buying Group can really come in handy as it offers practices access to discounts on a wide range of products and services. They can help you save money on the following areas:

  • Medical consumables and equipment
  • Stationery, Office equipment and furniture
  • Workwear
  • Insurance
  • Confidential information shredding
  • Energy
  • Recovery Oxygen
  • Trade Waste Management
  • Telecoms
  • Test and Calibration
  • Online Training
  • DBS Checks Processing


The Buying Group suppliers won’t just offer you a great price one week and then ramp up the price the next so you can be assured that if you order from their suppliers, you’ll get a great price every time you shop meaning you don’t have to ‘shop around’ to find the best deal every month anymore.

If you’re not sure whether you’re a member and/or have access to the Buying Group website (this is where you can view the pricing/discounts and get quotes) then contact the Buying Group team on 0115 979 6910 or They can also help you with any questions you might have about your membership or the suppliers.




LMC Buying Group

Doncaster LMC is been a member of the LMC Buying Groups Federation. This means that practices can access the discounts the Buying Group has negotiated on a wide range of products and services.  If you’re not sure what the Buying Group is all about then this short video explains what they do:   


By registering with the Buying Group:, you can view all the suppliers’ pricing, contact details and request quotes. The Buying Group also offers any member practice a free cost analysis which demonstrates how much money your practice could save just by swapping to buying group suppliers.  Tel: 0115 979 6910  Email:   Website:

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